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2003 / / installation
Central to this installation is the Citadel Park in Ghent, which has a reputation as a nocturnal cruising place for the gay scene.
In one of the two rooms of the exhibition space (located in the Citadel park), there is a wall-size drawing with the history of the park drawn layer over layer. The 'hot spots' only become fully visible in black light. In the other room a video is shown made up out of 72 short and longer pieces. Nightrecordings show us the waiting, the restless wandering, eye or verbal contact that goes on at the park at night.
On leaving the art space, the late visitor finds himself irrevocably in the concrete reality which the installation simulates. Movements are no longer without engagement, because the lines of conduct are known now.
From the vent-holes pornfilm music is being played day and night; the panting censored with beeps.
72 short films, drawing, sound
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